Staff feedback

“My experience with PCSL has been a great journey. Right from my Interview I felt empowered and knew that PCSL is going to impact my learning experience and growth during the upcoming years. I have been very impressed that how everyone here works with a goal-oriented approach. Respect, care and excellence are the qualities which exude from the top and flow throughout the rest of the organization. At PCSL I have been given invaluable opportunities, trainings and continuous education in support of my role and I look forward to continuing working for this amazing organization for many more years.” GD

“My work experience with Pathways has been a journey. I’m glad that I’ve been able to grow, learn, and have new experiences. Working at PCSL has taught me to collectively work with my co-workers and establish a foundation of support for one another. Having a core team is what I believe allows us to be able to do what’s most important, which is being a support system for the children of our organization. With that being said I applaud everyone who has been able to make this possible.” DB

“During my time at Pathway Community Services, I have been given an opportunity to work, grow and strive for success as a youth support worker. The upper management, as well as the stake holders, have cultivated an environment of personal and professional growth unlike anything I've experienced in my over 20 years of gainful employment. I have personally witnessed the importance and necessity of both the group home system, and the individual programs respectively; person centred programs help with the specific needs of the individual, wile providing the staff with a variety of helpful policies and guidelines. I am extremely proud of my time as an employee of Pathway Community Services.” AB

“I have worked with Pathway Community Services for over 12 years now. They are professional from top to bottom and genuinely have the best interests of not only their workers but the youth in care. 

PCSL operates with honesty, respect and have created a family type of environment that I am proud to be a part of.” NH
