Community Partners
Pathway Community Services Ltd. is an agency built upon the principal of collaboration. Every effort is made to ensure agreement between the individual being served, their family, referring professionals, all collateral support services and the staff team at PCSL. This collaboration manifests itself in a Comprehensive Plan of Care and/or a Person- Centered Planning approach that results in maximum opportunities for success and inclusion of all individuals into community life.
Pathway Community Services Ltd. works pro-actively and dynamically with MCFD staff, government agencies such as WorkSafe BC, its accreditation body (CARF), as well as families, advocates, behavioural consultants, teachers, learning assistants, doctors, psychiatrists, counsellors , therapists ,etc. As an agency, PCSL is truly committed to engage in pro-active, collaborative and transparent communication with all of its community partners.
Pathway Community Services Ltd. welcome and strongly advocate for inclusion at all levels in society.